November 28, 2011

my time away

What a fun week I had! I wish I could show you lots of pictures but I am terrible and only snapped a few meaningless shots along the way. Here are some highlights.

A trip to Utah for pre-Thanksgiving to hang with all the family before the big day. Where I went to the most beautiful home in the world. It was like walking through Traditional Home magazine. I never got around to many pictures but I will get them asap. Hopefully the interior designer will post them on her website so I can properly show you. But here are a few cell phone shots I took that will never do justice. 

The house came even complete with it's own candy bar.

Sadly, these aren't even my favorite parts of the home. I can't decide what my favorite room was...the craft room, the kitchen or the daughter's bedroom. Wow. My hubby had a favorite room and it was the basketball court. I told you friends, UNBELIEVABLE home!

Maybe the most fun for me was coming through right after the decorator left. I got to see just how she left it for them. With chocolates sprinkled throughout the house, music playing, flowers everywhere and a little "welcome home" cake. I loved seeing how she pulled it all together so thoughtfully. Especially since we are wrapping up with my first client project in a few weeks time. I had plans but they got pumped up!

Other highlights include my 4 year old getting trapped in an elevator and my 6 year old following suit the next morning. 

Where I really should have taken pictures is the car on the way home overflowing {like crazy overflowing} with ikea purchases for clients, gifted apothecary jars and Christmas presents for my kids. It was impressive, especially since I packed it myself while my husband helped with moving furniture elsewhere.

We scurried home Tuesday and had the cutest little Thanksgiving ever with our family of 5. Check back tomorrow and I will share our Christmas decorations with you. Another highlight from my time away. 

It's good to be back!

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